Sunday, December 04, 2005

DA Bomb!

According to my neighbor, apparently my lentil soup is the bomb. My other neighbor stopped by to visit too and told me the whole building smells wonderful cause of my soup. I must say, it is pretty damned good this time around.


jeffro said...

your soup IS da bomb!!!! why don't you bring some over to me right now!

NOAAgirl said...

Can you bring the recipe on Saturday? My last lentil soup, according to DH, was "tasteless." And I have two whole bags of lentils to use up!

jeffro said...

at least he didn't say it was "crass."

CC said...

Yes, I will do that. I actually just take the recipe on the bag and majorly doctor it up!

Anonymous said...

Post the recipe!I need all the help I can get in the kitchen.