Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Where Have I Been?

I can't believe I haven't blogged in so long. Things have been busy, and with the summer here, it's hard for me to buckle down and make myself stay inside for any length of time. I get home every night and all I want to do, after I walk the dogs, is sit on my balcony and eat, read, and basically enjoy the weather before it becomes the typical humid Washington summer. The thought of sitting in my basement at the computer has become unbearable. I haven't even worked out in forever for the same reason. But here I am at last to say hi to all of you, after it's dark outside and I've decided to come in for the evening.

So what's been going on? Obviously, I'm loving this weather. I used my charcoal grill again recently to make turkey burgers. They came out ok, but I've gotten some tips on how to improve things next time around. The past weekend was busy shopping for my nieces' (2) and sister's birthday gifts, then going to a family party on Sunday.

The job has been busy even though my boss is on vacation. That's been awesome. I have an intern starting in 2 weeks, so I have to get ready for that, which will be both a godsend and a curse.

And the most exciting news of all, Jeffro is moving in with me later this summer. Will wonders never cease?


NOAAgirl said...

What! What what what? /best Mrs. Broflovsky voice

CC said...

Can you friggin believe it! It's true. Now he'll have to learn to use the charcoal grill too!

CC said...

PS - I hope he told his parents already and they don't read it here!

Anonymous said...

What?! Wow! That's something else! --mj

Anonymous said...

who's this jeffro character?