Monday, August 08, 2005

Better Late Than Never

I never wrote an update about my weekend, so I'm feeling the need to share:

Friday - a pretty good day overall except for my blowup with the condo association. The good part of the day: lunch at Thai Shirlington with a former co-worker, followed by an impromptu pedicure. Blowup with condo assn: a few months ago I discovered my outside spigot in the backyard was broken and called the condo assn to fix it. They said it's not their responsibility, I had to get it fixed myself. Which of course I haven't done yet. So I'm walking the dogs Friday and come home to find a sprinkler watering the common area, attached to a hose underneath my back gate. So now they're using MY spigot to water the common property? No f****** way. If it's my responsibility, then you keep your friggin hands off. You want to use it, you fix it. I blew a gasket, quickly unhooked the hose and called and yelled at the condo association. I was so furious I was shaking. But it was all to no avail, the guy answering the phone was a temp and everyone was out of the office. I left a message, and of course have had no call back today to deal with this. I am insisting now that they fix it, and I will take this to the board or the county or whoever. I'm pissed.

Saturday I booked a flight to visit my sister in FL (see blog entry "Bastards" below) and had lunch with one of Jeffro's friends (and new blog commenter, btw) from NJ. A good time at Luna Grill in Shirlington. Dinner party with the neighbor that night, the hit of the evening being my very strong margarita concoctions. Maybe I should go into bartending. Even Jeffro loved them.

Sunday was pretty mellow, cleaned and tried to bring some general order to my chaotic place.

1 comment:

jeffro said...

oh, but i didn't have any margaritas...