Saturday, April 06, 2013

Good for Everyone Else (Or, Feeling Sorry for Myself)

So tonight my best friend texts me out of the blue that she bought an Audi. WTF? I didn't even know she was in the market for a car, and furthermore, how can she afford an Audi? (Though admittedly she has a thing for expensive cars and once had a Beemer, so I guess I shouldn't be that surprised.) Me, I drive a 15-year-old Honda Civic that I can't seem to give up, nor can I afford to.

Fast forward to walking my dogs and running into my neighbor H., whom various people have been gunning for me to get together with, just by virtue of the fact that we are both attractive, approximately the same age, and single. However, H. and I have been at many social functions together, and while he pays attention to me and is very friendly, he has never once asked for my number or for a date or anything. So I figured he just wasn't into me, and apparently I was correct as I saw him walking arm-in-arm tonight with a petite blond with long hair. I am an average build brunette with shoulder-length hair. I thought to myself, huh, that explains a lot.

Anyway, these great things in life seem to be happening all around me, and I am truly happy for my friend and her new car. But when is it my turn? Instead I have an ancient car, a broken budget, a dying dog, a job I hate, and no prospects for dating. I know I have made the choices that got me where I am, but sometimes I just have to wonder why. And what I am going to do about it.

1 comment:

LRJ~ said...

Japanese cars are the best. They run forever. German cars slowly and expensively break down.