Ode to Zoe
A good friend of mine's dog died last night. I found out at work today and had to go into the bathroom cause I was crying. Non-pet owners might not understand, but often dogs are like children, especially those of us (like me) that will likely never have kids. Zoe'd been sick for a while with various and serious problems including congestive heart failure, so we knew she wasn't long for this world. My friend and I got our dogs around the same time 13 years ago, so this has been doubly hard, because I'm dreading the somewhat impending demise of my own dog. My dog is doing relatively ok, but when a dog gets to be that old, you just never know. I'm just so sad for my friend, and the empty spot in her heart and home that was Zoe. She worked at home, so Zoe was always around, which is going to make things even harder. This pic is the way I like to remember her, one ear up and one ear down. Zoe used to go absolutely nuts whenever I'd visit, and her mom got angry that she got so wild and crazy. But it just made me smile that she was such a happy dog. RIP, Zoe.
So sorry to hear that sad news! (((hugs)))
Oh, that last bit was me, mj! OOPS, forgot to sign!
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