Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ode to Rick Springfield

Being a huge Rick Springfield fan, I really enjoyed Jetifoblog's tribute and analysis. Plus links to some songs from Rick's time in the group Sahara Snow that I had never heard. Now I'm going to have to go out and buy that album! I love it that someone else has such appreciation for Rick's songwriting ability and live performances, instead of just dismissing Rick as bubblegum pop!

So if you're as big a fan as I am, why don't you challenge yourself to answer these 275 questions on Trivial Pursuit Rick Springfield edition?

Thanks to Jeffro for the Jefitoblog tip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great mock-up! Hee.

Funny you were in Orlando last week. I was there Monday-Tuesday (2/26-27) for my seasonal visit to Scholastic.