Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas the Italian Way

Happy Holidays to everyone! I'm not sure where I've been cause apparently this song came out in the 60s, but I've never heard it. You know, the famous Christmas carol, Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey. Check out the interesting video.

My holidays have been good so far. The office gave us Wednesday and Friday off both this week and next, so that has been great. Christmas Eve was spent at my mom's having our famous Italian seven fishes dinner. Christmas Day was at my sister's with tons of food and presents. All in all, a pretty good time, and J's mom joined us for the festivities.
Yesterday we took a freezing day trip to Mt. Vernon and it was pretty cool despite the weather. We ate at the Mt. Vernon Inn--delicious hot apple cider and red pepper soup! The highlight of the day had to be Aladdin, the Christmas Camel, who was very friendly and came over to everyone to nibble on their hands. Tomorrow J's dad comes for the day, so we'll have to see what adventures await. Likely we'll head to Old Town for the day.

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