Thursday, December 11, 2008

Honesty is the Best Policy

My mother and I have a distinctly different way of dealing with difficulties in life. I often confront them head on, while she glosses over them with sugar coating to pretend like everything is fine. Case in point, my 93 year old grandfather, who I visited this weekend, was complaining about a swollen leg that he's had for 2 weeks. I immediately thought he might have something seriously wrong like a blood clot, and told him so. My mother had the same thought but decided not to say anything for fear of being too negative.

He is now in the hospital being treated for--wait for it--a blood clot in his leg. Part of the reason they finally discovered the problem was because I said something. Apparently it was a life-threatening condition, so if I hadn't said anything (like my mom) he could be dead by now. So which way of dealing with negative things is better? I prefer the truth.

PS - the truth about my job is I am hating it this week. This stupid f-ing a-hole that I don't get along with is making my life absolutely miserable. People say you should be thankful you have a job, but sometimes I disagree . . .


NOAAgirl said...

Yeesh! Girl... you sound like you need a serious break!

CC said...

You don't know the half of it. I'm coming home from work and drinking to deal with everything! I'm having big problems with a coworker that are really stressing me out on top of everything!