Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday Night

It's Sunday and I'm being lazy and staying home instead of going out to see Jeffro's friend playing music in Cleveland Park. I just hate going out on Sunday night then waking up tired on Monday and starting the week at a deficit. Plus I just didn't feel like fixing myself up to look cute to go out. Why is it that guys can just go out with no preparation and that is fine, but I would have had to reapply makeup, fix hair, find something to wear, change purses, etc. before being able to go? I just couldn't muster the needed energy.

Things have been so busy lately and will continue to stay busy this week. I have a tentative phone interview set up for tomorrow, a reschedule of the interview I missed on Tuesday, and the board meeting where my parking issue will get decided on Wednesday. I will, yet again, be happy when the week is over, although we are supposed to head to Williamsburg Saturday and Sunday if Jeffro can get off work. When will the madness end?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Stories

Well, you knew I had to have some. So here's a recap of my trip to Phoenix.

Travels from Hell. This was probably the worst travel I have ever had. Of course, we took NWA again--No Worse Airline. And they did not disappoint. On the trip out, they took off late and we almost missed our connection. Literally running through the airport to get on the plane about 2 mins before they closed the doors.

The way back was even worse. We were due to take off at 12:20, so we're taxi-ing (how do you spell that anyway?) on the runway and hear this awful noise. The girl next to me and I just look at each other and say, that can't be good. And sure enough the plane comes to a halt and we are told that the hydraulic system--minor things like brakes and steering--has failed. So they leave us sitting on the runway for 2 hours before they decide it can't be fixed and have to tow us back to the terminal. Consequently, we missed the next flight to DC that would have gotten us back on Monday as planned. We waited in line for another 2-1/2 hours for some worthless vouchers (looking back, we shouldn't have waited) and an upgrade to first class for part of the flight. Our options were 1) take a red eye putting us in Baltimore by 5:00 a.m. and then having to spend $50+ in cab fare to come back, 2) take a red eye putting us back in DC at 8:00 a.m. or 3) leave on the rescheduled flight at 5:30 a.m. Great options. This all meant that I would miss my interview, which was scheduled for this morning. Luckily they are being very understanding and letting me reschedule but what an ordeal!

Wedding recap. We went to AZ for a wedding, and while it was very nice, Jeffro and I had the same issues we always have when going to weddings, which I won't get into here. However, it did take place outside on the grounds of a gorgeous country club at sunset, I mean who can beat that?

The great parts. The great parts of the trip were getting to see and spend time with my friend, getting to see one of my best friends I haven't seen forever, and enjoying Phoenix's 80+ degree, brilliant sunny weather. I have to say, Phoenix is undergoing a lot of change right now--they are installing a light rail system downtown and it's all torn up. That made it very difficult to get around and show Jeffro where I used to live, etc.

I also got to look at new homes in a development that I really love. The prices have really skyrocketed in the three years since I've been back. It's always hard for me to leave Phoenix, and I always wonder what would have happened if I hadn't moved back to DC all those years ago. Of course, my friend was trying to convince me to move back, but I'm not sure that's in the cards either.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. Hope you enjoyed the stories.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Headed to Sunny AZ

Well, I can only hope that it's freezing here this weekend as Jeffro and I are headed to AZ for yet another wedding. I'm really looking forward to this, as I used to live there for a couple of years, and we're staying with a good friend of mine that I haven't seen now in like two years. She has the cutest little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Mystic that I absolutely adore.

I get to show Jeffro all my old haunts, where I used to live, and the house that I would love to own that I actually could afford if I sold this place. I also get to see my very best friend ever whom I haven't seen in about 8 years. We were best friends growing up and I can't wait to see him again.

In other news, I do have that second interview next Tuesday, and I've been playing phone tag for two days with someone about another job. So I guess I'll know more what is going on after Tuesday.

Have a good weekend, ya'll and maybe we'll have some interesting photos when I get back.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I Win!

For those of you waiting with baited breath for the decision of the parking committee . . . they voted in favor of my petition! It was unanimous, and I am so excited! However, that is only the first of two hurdles, the next will be getting the board to vote the same, otherwise we're back to square one. That meeting will be Nov 1, so mark your calendar!

In other interesting news, I got called back for a second interview with the company I interviewed with last week and told my boss that I am looking for a job and will not be making the move to Herndon. Good for me! I know this seems like a risky move, but she took it well and I don't seem to be in danger of losing my job. Hopefully.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I'm a Rock Star!

This has been a crazy week, culminating with a show for my drum/band class yesterday. The class has been going on for a couple of months, and I think I've really learned a lot. We did ok, much better than I anticipated cause our "dress rehearsal" was terrible. We even through in an extra song that we had only really played once. After the show, I went to a neighbor's housewarming party and had a nice time and couple of much-needed glasses of wine.

I had an interview this week that went very well and they want me to come back for a second interview. The best part about the job? It's literally 5 minutes from my house.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Your Parking Update

I know you've all been dying to know what's going on with the parking saga in my neighborhood. Well, I was unable to go before our parking committee last month cause I hadn't given them enough time to notify the residents. So this time I apparently gave them too much time cause they lost my damn petition and it took a visit to the office, an email, and a phone call to get this figured out. However, it looks like all's well and I will be on the committee agenda next week. If that passes, it will then go to the board. So I'm one step closer and so excited. I'm trying to rally the troops to come to the meeting with me to argue our case. I'll give you an update next Tuesday.
Another Job Call

As much as I hate job hunting, I have done it so much over the years that I have extremely good luck at getting interviews. It's actually exciting to get that call or email asking for an interview. You get that rush of adrenaline when you find you've snagged another. Matter of fact, I had another call today from a company I have been trying to get into for a couple of years now. So needless to say, I'm majorly psyched and can't wait to call them back tomorrow.

BTW, at work today everyone decided to call in "sick" and make the holiday weekend a really long one. I was the only schlump in my department who was there. Unreal. And I'm the only one who's admitted might not be making the move to Herndon. I must be nuts.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Well, it's another federal holiday, i.e., an excuse to have a day off work. I must say I'm enjoying it very much and using it to search for jobs, get together with a friend, and get some things done around the house.

Here's a little update about the job situation. I had a phone interview Friday, which was just ok. My current employer announced Friday that it will offer flextime and telecommuting 3 days a week after the move to Herndon. How tempting and ideal is that? I would hardly have to deal with psycho boss, could work at my own pace, get other things done during the day. That is really hard to pass up. On the other hand, I would still be doing the schlock work that I don't want to be doing. So it's really a toss up. I have to really think about what I want to do. Obviously I'm still interviewing to see what else is out there, but at the very least if I don't find anything, my job situation will undoubtedly improve after my office moves.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Improved Mood

It's amazing how knowing that you're really leaving a job you dislike can improve your mood. I felt much better going in to work today knowing my time there truly is limited. Then I found out my boss was going to be out sick today and tomorrow, plus I have doctor's appointments lined up tomorrow and Weds, and we're out of the office Friday for a 1/2 day staff retreat, then going home early. It's a great week!

Start planning your weekend early. This Saturday is Del Ray's Art on the Avenue, an annual arts and crafts event in Alexandria that's tons of fun. If the weather is nice I'll be going.